A medium blue cremation diamond made from ashes, pear cut

Coste de Cenizas a Diamantes

A criação de um diamante a partir de cinzas consiste em extrair carbono das cinzas de cremação ou do cabelo de uma pessoa falecida para criar um diamante verdadeiro. O diamante de memorial resultante dá conforto e força aos enlutados, que podem assim estar perto do seu ente querido após a morte.

O diamante memorial ALGORDANZA reflecte a singularidade da pessoa falecida e é sempre trabalhado individualmente de acordo com os seus desejos.

Preço inicial e tamanho

Os diamantes de memorial custam normalmente menos do que o preço de um enterro tradicional com manutenção da sepultura. Os diamantes cinzas azuis e incolores são os diamantes mais difíceis e demorados de cultivar. A ALGORDANZA é especializada nestas jóias únicas.

O preço de um diamante comemorativo começa em 4.450 euros para um diamante de 0,40 quilates.

3 factores determinam o custo de um diamante comemorativo:
  • Peso (quilate) do diamante, o preço aumenta com o tamanho.
  • Cortado ou não cortado, os diamantes em bruto (não cortados) são mais exclusivos e custam menos.
  • Fonte de carbono, cabelo, cinzas ou uma combinação de ambos.
Os diamantes de memorial ALGORDANZA são oferecidos através das funerárias e também diretamente através de nós. A pedido, podemos enviar-lhe a nossa lista completa de preços.
rough (uncut) memorial diamond cost

A ALGORDANZA é o único especialista em diamantes comemorativos que utiliza energia 100% renovável.

Fonte de carbono de diamante







A ALGORDANZA oferece 6 cortes de diamantes

Agora selecione o corte apropriado para o seu diamante de cremação individual. Em alternativa, pode ficar com o diamante em bruto (não lapidado), que só será polido. Um diamante em bruto reflecte a singularidade da pessoa de onde provém, tendo ambos desenvolvido as suas “arestas”.

O diamante ALGORDANZA brilha com um extraordinário brilho azul, devido ao elemento boro, que está ligado ao carbono. Quanto mais boro contiver a fonte de carbono, mais escura será a coloração azul do diamante.

Tamanho e número de diamantes

Memorial Diamond Cost depends on cut, carat and carbon source
Algordanza AG Headquarters in Switzerland

The way to your personal memorial diamond

After the death of a loved one, the bereaved are often faced with many decisions that need to be made quickly. In addition to cremation or burial, a memorial diamond is also an option to consider. It is no more difficult to organize than any other form of burial and also leaves something everlasting.

Creating a memorial diamond from the ashes or hair of a deceased person, usually takes between four and eight months. This time is needed for the diamond to grow to the desired size. Meanwhile, we are in regular contact with your or your undertaker, who will keep you informed of our every step.

Step 1: Find a funeral home

Our funeral partners are known for their empathetic and competent care in the case of a death. Contact us and we will recommend an ALGORDANZA funeral partner in your area, without obligation, who will carry out the desired memorial diamond for you or your relatives.

If there is no funeral home with an existing partnership to ALGORDANZA in your area, we will send you all the necessary documents so that your trusted funeral director can initiate the creation of a memorial diamond through ALGORDANZA even without a prior partnership.

We are partnered with thousands of funeral home worldwide
Funeral homes securely transport ashes and cremated remains, never send ashes through the mail

Step 2: Transfer of ashes or hair

After the cremation of a loved one, the ashes and/or the hair are transferred to ALGORDANZA in Switzerland per secure courier. Of course, the urn or the hair can also be brought to us personally.

Step 3: A cremation diamond from ashes

When an adult is cremated, up to 4 kg (8 lbs.) of ashes can be produced. To create a memorial diamond, however, it is not the volume of the ash that is decisive, but its carbon content. As a rule, 5 grams (.18 oz.) of hair or 500 grams (1 lbs.) of ashes are sufficient to ensure the creation of an ALGORDANZA Cremation Diamond.

Growing Cell in the HPTP Press

The remaining cremation ashes

If you choose an ALGORDANZA Classic ash diamond, you decide what happens to the remaining ashes:

  1. Extracting all of the carbon from the whole amount of ashes sent to ALGORDANZA. Select this option if no burial place is desired.
  2. Removal of required amount of ashes in Switzerland and returning remaining ashes to origin: Only the required portion of the ash is removed. The ashes that are not used can be returned to the original sender.
  3. Gathering of unused ashes by family and/or friends (only in Switzerland):
    Relatives can collect the unused ashes from us personally.
  4. Scattering of the remaining ashes in Switzerland by ALGORDANZA:
    The ALGORDANZA AG owns their own forest cemetary, used exclusively for the scattering of human ashes. The forest cemetery is called Pax Montana near the southern region of Switzerland called Poschiavo.

Step 4: Handing over the finished memorial diamond

The handing over of the memorial diamond to the relatives takes place in a solemn setting by the commissioned funeral home, alternatively the ash diamond can be picked up at our headquarters in Domat/Ems.

Our Tip:

As part of an ALGORDANZA Pre-Paid Funeral Plan, you can arrange your personal memorial diamond in advance for yourself or a family member

Algordanza guarantees and certifies the origin of ashes or hair.

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